Kenji Yamazaki - Noobow (1992)


Composer: Kenji Yamazaki
Console: GB
Game Release Date: 1992-12-11
Bootleg Release Date: 2021-04-05
Ripper: Zophar(?), Re-Tagged and Assembled by SnowBlue
Runtime: 14:52, 7 Tracks 

The last 4 posts were actually done in one go. I was sick a few weeks ago and decided to just bang out a whole bunch of posts in one go. Since then I have just been posting them as they have gone. This is the first original post I have written in weeks. I am doing much better now, don't have to force myself to write a lot. 

While I was on quarantine the weather was fortunately warm enough that I could go outside. Like how I load up my NDS and 3DS with games before I go camping I did the same but just played outside while basking in the sun. I will probably do posts on all the games I beat but first let's get to 2nd game I beat in that session. 

Noobow is a game boy game released all the way back in 1992. I can't remember how I heard about this but it has been sitting in my backlog for at least a few years. Then, while looking for games to play on my NDS/3DS I picked this because of its unusual name. 

Noobow is a "puzzle" although none of the puzzles prove to be that difficult. I find it a "pseudo-game" in which it has the bare minimum of gameplay. I would put it in the same category as The Frog for Whom the Bell Tolls, also for the Gameboy. The game's primary purpose is to tell a story. In this case it's about Noobow waking up on a stranded island and his quest to get home while helping out other denizens along the way. 

The game play is a slow 2D side-scrolling adventure with lots of back and forth. Noobow can pick up a single item and has to bring it to the correct place (like bringing a walnut to a squirrel so he can bring a platform to you) and progress the story. The game is split into 5 levels each with their own stories and creatures you have to help. The game is just a wholesome experience featuring a cute protagonist. 

I don't know what came first but at some point a Noobow anime was created that featured brief episodes (each 1 minute) of Noobow's daily life. At some point the anime got remastered and re-released. 

I would love for this game to get a "remaster" or at least a colour patch. 

The music was composed by Kenji Yamazaki who is best known for his work on the Gameboy port of Mega Man II. He also did music for the SNES version of Appleseed, and the game gear post of Phantasy Star. 

Due to the game boy's limitations the music isn't terribly complex but it doesn't affect the quality. This short soundtrack features cheerful chiptune ballads that will leave the listener happy. The only issue I had with the music was that one of the tracks uses a pitch a little too high but it only appears as one note. 

Apparently Zophar had this rip up first but I downloaded it and could not get it to run. I have downloaded, split and tagged the following YouTube stream. It's bit music so the quality can only be so high. It's also clear the YouTube stream is just the Zophar rip. If there is demand for it I guess I could try and figure out how to properly convert the M3U and GBS files to MP3. 

Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvZlpJVjJRWWEjOTZjNk9CZGxCVkRSOUkyN1dyam5CSFU5bEp2S3BUbXhCVy04SGxsdERFRQ==

p@ss: noobowsweet


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