Thanks for listening!
And with Blue Ice I have decided to end the blog. Originally I was going to officially conclude the blog with 3 GOTY posts but I decided not to. See I wanted to end the blog on 72 posts. It would have just been a perfect number and place to stop in my opinion. However, after duplicating and remastering Darkplace it threw off the count. After reflecting on it I finally decided that a GOTY post wouldn't make sense and that I would rather end the blog on a random note. So I got together two remaining soundtracks I had remastered and posted them up (Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday and Blue Ice). The blog was already in the endgame and I just can't see myself doing 3 massive posts. Too busy with other projects. There's still a month left in the year so my GOTY is still subject to change. If they are what I expect then 2nd and 1st place will likely be 5000+ words each. There was also a bit of issue with the length of the blog. I recently wrote something that I had considered t...